
Swor Women's Care
Gynecology & Obstetrics located in Sarasota, FL
Whether you need gynecological surgery, or just want a second opinion related to a surgery planned by another gynecologist, you can rely on the expertise of our board-certified gyn surgery specialists, Dr. Michael Swor, Dr. Jenny Lichon and Dr. KASH. For over 25 years, our award-winning practice, Swor Women’s Care in Sarasota, Florida, has offered cutting-edge technology, outstanding outcomes and safety records using the latest surgery options, including da Vinci® robotic surgery and low-impact laparoscopic procedures. We have the experience of over 50 years and more than 15,000 surgery cases successfully addressing the full spectrum of gynecologic conditions. These include endometriosis, fibroids, pelvic prolapse, ovarian cysts, infertility, abnormal bleeding, polyps, abnormal pap tests, pelvic pain, incontinence and sexual dysfunction.
Our practice is considered an Advanced Gyn Surgery referral center because of special designations in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery and Certification in Gyn Minimally Invasive Surgery by the American Board of OBGYN.
Many surgeries are available in-office for your safety, cost-savings and convenience or at Sarasota Memorial Hospital when needed. Schedule a surgery consultation by contacting our staff at Swor Women’s Care today.
Surgery Q & A
Why do I need gynecological surgery?
There are a variety of common issues that our board-certified OBGYN surgical experts can treat using the latest surgical advances and techniques. Although other options may be offered, surgery is often advised for conditions like:
- Endometriosis
- Uterine fibroids
- Ovarian cysts
- Pelvic Pain
- Heavy or painful periods
- Polyps
- Incontinence
- Pelvic prolapse
- Gyn precancers or cancers
Our specialists offer hysteroscopy and endometrial ablation in office with alternatives to general anesthesia, and minimally invasive laparoscopic procedures, vaginal repairs and a variety of hysterectomy alternatives and vaginal and laparoscopic and robotic hysterectomy. We started the Low- Impact Gyn Surgery program at Sarasota Memorial in 2016 and then the Gyn Enhanced Recovery After Surgery program (ERAS) in 2019. For years we have pioneered the use of new technology, safety protocols, lasers, robotics and a variety of low-impact surgical techniques for better outcomes and a faster recovery.
And if you are looking for a second opinion about a gynecological surgery recommendation, our expert gyn surgeons can review your medical history and current condition to determine all treatment options and surgical approaches available to you.
How do I prepare for gynecological surgery?
Our Swor Women’s Care surgical coordinator arranges all necessary pre-surgery tests for your convenience, including blood work, biopsy, pap test, and imaging. If your surgery requires a hospital stay, the staff coordinates care with Sarasota’s leading hospital, our office or a surgical center.
During your surgical consultation, your SWC gyn surgeon provides you with all the information you need to get you ready for your procedure, including diet, medications, activities and fasting requirements.
Our gyn surgery specialists, and their team, will create a custom treatment plan based on your specific health issues to determine the best type of surgery to for your condition. We virtually always use low-impact laparoscopic, vaginal or robotic surgical techniques, all of which offer a range of benefits over traditional surgeries.
What are the benefits of low-impact laparoscopic and robotic surgery?
Both low impact laparoscopic and robotic surgical techniques require only small incisions to access the treatment area. Smaller incisions mean less trauma to your body and a faster recovery period than is possible with open surgery.
Robotic surgery is also beneficial if you need complex surgery. Dr. Swor was the first gynecologist surgeon in Sarasota to use the innovative da Vinci system to perform complicated surgeries with robotic precision. He has trained many other gyn surgeons in robotic, laparoscopic, vaginal and hysteroscopic procedure techniques for many years. All of our gyn surgical specialists are experts in laparoscopic and vaginal surgery techniques.
Robotic surgery involves the use of a camera attached to special laparoscope and long slender instruments that fit through tiny incisions in the abdominal wall. The camera sends high-definition images to an external monitor that the surgeon views throughout the procedure. The surgeon controls robotic arms attached to a computer that move the instruments internally completing the procedure.
Other benefits of laparoscopic and robotic surgery include:
- Less pain
- Less bleeding
- Minimal surgical scars
- Reduced risk of infection
- Shorter hospital stay
Our surgery specialists can determine if laparoscopic, robotic or vaginal surgery is right for you during your consultation.
Learn more about the advanced gynecological and urogyn surgery options available at Swor Women’s Care by contacting the office today.
Q & A
Pregnancymore info
Abnormal Bleedingmore info
Minimally Invasive Surgerymore info
Endometriosismore info
Fibroidsmore info
Gynecologymore info
Surgerymore info
Laparoscopymore info
Ovarian Cystmore info
Prolapsemore info
Menopausemore info
Hormone Therapymore info
Fertilitymore info
Colposcopymore info
Ultrasoundmore info
Pap Smearmore info
STD Testingmore info
Urinary Tract Infectionmore info
Ablationmore info
Vaginal Restorationmore info
Incontinencemore info
Hysterectomymore info
Obstetricsmore info
Birth Controlmore info
MIGSmore info