
Swor Women's Care
Gynecology & Obstetrics located in Sarasota, FL
The providers at Swor Women’s Care in Sarasota, Florida, believe in going the extra mile for every patient. The staff of board-certified gynecologists and nurse practitioners offer the latest advancements in diagnostics and treatment services. They provide comprehensive care for a variety of conditions, like endometriosis, fibroids, infertility and abnormal bleeding, and give routine gynecology exams and family planning guidance to ensure optimal reproductive health. Learn more about the gynecology services Swor Women’s Care has to offer by calling the office today or using the online booking feature for an appointment.
Gynecology Q & A
What can I expect during a routine gynecology exam?
Your reproductive health requires specialized care to ensure you’re healthy and functioning properly. The staff at Swor Women’s Care recommend annual women's health visits to give health advice and identify any issues as early as possible. In many cases, early treatment of reproductive health disorders prevents disability and can even save lives.
During your routine exam, you can expect your provider to review your medical history and discuss any symptoms that have developed since your last appointment. Your provider also performs a clinical breast exam and routine pelvic exam, checking for abnormalities that require further analysis or treatment, such as infections, cysts, growths or tumors.
As part of your pelvic exam, your provider may perform a Pap smear to analyze the health of your cervical cells for changes that may lead to cervical cancer. Appropriate testing for sexually transmitted diseases may also be advised.
If you are aged 40 or have a risk factors for certain cancers, your Swor Women’s Care provider may also recommend a mammogram to check your breasts for early signs of cancer and screening for colorectal cancers.
What gynecological issues require treatment?
There are a variety of conditions that can affect your reproductive health as a woman. The staff at Swor Women’s Care offer innovative, in-office diagnostic and treatment options for issues like:
- Infertility
- Fibroids
- Pelvic pain
- Menopause
- Endometriosis
- Menstrual disorders
- Recurrent infections
- Hormone imbalance
- Bladder dysfunction
- Pelvic prolapse
- Sexual dysfunction
Your provider can also address issues regarding your sex life that are common with menopause, such as painful sex and loss of desire, as well as other age-related reproductive changes.
Family planning services are available at Swor Women’s Center, including comprehensive pregnancy care, birth control pill, patch, ring, IUD or implant prescriptions, and permanent birth control procedures, such as tubal ligations and hysterectomies.
As a first-class specialty care center, our providers offer the full range of available OBGYN care and treatment options. If the treatment our patient needs can't be provided here, we can help find a national specialist at a tertiary care center or an expert colleague in another required specialty.
Can I get a second opinion on an existing condition?
The experienced staff at Swor Women’s Care welcome those who want a second opinion about an existing diagnosis.
As any health issue can be frightening and confusing, you can rely on our team’s expertise and compassionate care. Your second opinion starts with a thorough review of your medical history, records provided and current condition. This visit is the ideal time to address any questions or concerns you have about your condition and recommended treatment.
Your Swor Women’s Care provider creates a custom treatment plan and discusses a full range of options to consider to address your condition effectively, including alternative and holistic care.
Learn more about available gynecology services by contacting our Sarasota office today.
Q & A
Pregnancymore info
Abnormal Bleedingmore info
Minimally Invasive Surgerymore info
Endometriosismore info
Fibroidsmore info
Gynecologymore info
Surgerymore info
Laparoscopymore info
Ovarian Cystmore info
Prolapsemore info
Menopausemore info
Hormone Therapymore info
Fertilitymore info
Colposcopymore info
Ultrasoundmore info
Pap Smearmore info
STD Testingmore info
Urinary Tract Infectionmore info
Ablationmore info
Vaginal Restorationmore info
Incontinencemore info
Hysterectomymore info
Obstetricsmore info
Birth Controlmore info
MIGSmore info