
Swor Women's Care
Gynecology & Obstetrics located in Sarasota, FL
Medical research estimates that half of women over the age of 50 experience some form of prolapse — a condition where your organs shift out of place and may descend into your vaginal cavity or out of your body. At Swor Women’s Care in Sarasota, Florida, the team offers expert treatments to strengthen your pelvic floor and restore your health. If you think you have a prolapse, call Swor Women’s Care or make an appointment online today.
Prolapse Q & A
What is prolapse?
Prolapse is a common women’s health condition where a pelvic organ moves out of its natural position and descends into the vaginal canal or out of your body. Nearly any organ in your pelvic cradle can prolapse including your bladder, uterus, vagina, intestines, or rectum.
If you have pelvic prolapse, you may feel like there is something lodged in your vagina or even see something coming out of your vaginal opening. You might feel full or have aches or pressure in your lower abdomen that get worse when you stand, cough, or exercise. If your bladder is prolapsed, you may also have incontinence symptoms.
What causes prolapse?
Weakness in your pelvic floor causes prolapse. Excessive pressure or weight can also lead to prolapse. Prolapse is very common in women. Common life events such as pregnancy, childbirth, and the hormonal changes of menopause can all stress and weaken your pelvic floor.
How is prolapse treated?
The team at Swor Women’s Care offer customized treatments for pelvic prolapse, depending on the severity of your condition. For example, if your prolapse is minor, you may benefit from physiotherapy and the use of a pessary. A pessary is a small device that you insert into your vagina which supports your pelvic floor.
However, if your prolapse is more severe, your provider may recommend surgical repair. At Swor Women’s Care, the physicians use minimally invasive procedures including robotic laparoscopic surgical techniques. They use only the highest-quality devices and techniques to repair your pelvic floor.
Your provider may also suggest lifestyle modifications such as changing your diet, losing weight, and practicing pelvic floor exercises to reduce stress on and strengthen your pelvic floor.
How can I prevent pelvic prolapse?
You can reduce your risk of pelvic prolapse by maintaining a healthy body weight and practicing pelvic floor exercises. You should also adjust your diet to include plenty of high-fiber foods to prevent constipation and straining during bowel movements.
If you notice signs of vaginal atrophy, talk to your provider about FemiLift treatments. FemiLift is a CO2 fractional laser that revitalizes vaginal tissue. This prevents your vaginal walls from becoming thin, dry, and weak, which contributes to your risk of pelvic prolapse.
If you’re concerned about pelvic prolapse, call Swor Women’s Care or schedule a consultation online today.
Q & A
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