
Swor Women's Care
Gynecology & Obstetrics located in Sarasota, FL
If you have a condition that causes heavy menstrual bleeding such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids, you may need an endometrial ablation procedure. The team at Swor Women’s Care in Sarasota, Florida, offers in-office ablation services including NovaSure® endometrial ablation. Call the practice today or schedule a consultation online today to learn more about endometrial ablation and how it can restore your health.
Ablation Q & A
What is ablation?
Endometrial ablation is a minimally invasive gynecological procedure that heats and destroys the lining of your uterus. The primary purpose of endometrial ablation is to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding.
The team at Swor Women’s Care offers NovaSure® in-office ablation, which uses controlled radiofrequency energy to heat and destroy your endometrial lining. There are other ablation techniques including heated balloons, electrosurgery, and cryoablation.
Why would I need ablation?
If you have a condition such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids that cause heavy menstrual bleeding and other treatments haven’t been effective, ablation may be a good option for you. Heavy bleeding is classified as having to change your tampon or sanitary towel every two hours or less or if your periods last for eight days or longer.
Endometriosis is a condition where endometrial lining grows outside of your uterus. Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths that develop in or on your uterine walls.
What happens during an ablation procedure?
The in-office endometrial ablation services at Swor Women’s Care are minimally invasive and relatively quick.
While you recline on a treatment table with your feet in stirrups, your provider uses a speculum to hold your vaginal walls open. They open your cervix and insert a thin surgical wand into your uterus. The wand opens into a triangle shaped netted device that expands to cover the inside of your uterus.
When the device is in place, your provider releases precise radiofrequency energy through the netting for approximately 90 seconds. After the treatment is complete, your provider removes the device.
What should I expect while recovering from an ablation treatment?
After your ablation procedure, you go home and rest for the rest of the day. You may have some mild cramping and watery vaginal discharge. An over-the-counter pain reliever should help with any discomfort.
Over the months following your ablation treatment, you should find that your periods become lighter or even stop. Ablation isn’t a sterilization procedure, but it can cause pregnancy complications, so talk to your provider about your plans to have children before your procedure.
If you suffer from heavy, painful periods and haven’t found relief from other therapies, call Swor Women’s Care or schedule a consultation online today to learn if endometrial ablation is right for you.
Q & A
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