Blog Archive
What Are Organic Tampons, Anyway? Okay, so organic tampons are like the eco-friendly superheroes of the period world. They're made from organic cotton, free from additives like dyes, fragrances, and bleach. On the flip side, regular tampons can be a bit of a mix, often including rayon, a synthetic fiber...
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) PCOS isn't just about irregular menstrual cycles; it encompasses a spectrum of symptoms, including excess androgens leading to acne, hirsutism (excessive body hair), and even scalp hair loss. Furthermore, pelvic ultrasounds often reveal ovaries with a characteristic "polycystic" appearance. While the prevalence is significant, affecting millions...
Navigating the Ring: A Comprehensive Guide to Vaginal Contraceptive Rings As an OBGYN, I am excited to share insights into this discreet and effective birth control method. Explore further to enhance your understanding! In the United States, two prominent brands of vaginal contraception rings exist, along with a generic...
Welcome to the realm of laparoscopic gynecologic surgery, where precision meets innovation in the pursuit of women's health. In recent years, this minimally invasive technique has revolutionized the field, offering patients shorter recovery times, less postoperative pain, and smaller scars compared to traditional open procedures. Join me on a journey...
In-Office Hysteroscopy, D&C, and Uterine Ablation: A Personalized Approach to Empowering Your HealthToday, I'm thrilled to guide you through the transformative world of in-office hysteroscopy, dilation and curettage (D&C), and uterine ablation—procedures designed to enhance your well-being and alleviate heavy bleeding. (Note: Some physicians may only offer this procedure in...
Menopause atrophy Genitourinary Symptoms of Menopause: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options Menopause is a natural transition, marking the end of the reproductive years. Along with the more commonly known symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings, menopause can bring about a range of genitourinary symptoms that impact quality of life....
**What Is Endometriosis?**Endometriosis is a chronic gynecological disorder characterized by the presence of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterus. This tissue can implant on various pelvic organs, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder, and the lining of the pelvic cavity. In rarer cases, it can even spread to more distant...
In this blog post, I will explore what colposcopy is, why you might need it, how to prepare for the procedure, what to expect during the examination, and what comes after. I aim to provide you with the information you need to feel informed and prepared for this important step...
Are you scheduled for a C-section in the coming weeks? Whether it's due to medical reasons or personal choice, knowing what to expect and how to prepare can ease anxiety and ensure a smooth experience for both you and your baby. In this guide, I'll walk you through the process,...
1. Recognizing Early Signs of PregnancyThe first trimester typically spans from weeks 1 to 12 of your pregnancy, and it begins with conception. During this time, you might notice a variety of early signs, such as:• Missed Period: One of the most common indicators that you might be pregnant is...
Fibroids are incredibly common but often surrounded by myths and misconceptions. So, let's break it down together, no medical jargon, just clear, friendly advice. Think of this blog post as your trusted guide to understanding fibroids. Whether you're dealing with these pesky growths or simply want to learn more, We've...
Swor Women's Care offers hysteroscopic ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ablation of uterine fibroids....Sonata. This advanced technology uses small camera guided instruments to shrink fibroids in the uterus with heat energy while watching with ultrasound imaging. Little downtime and quick recovery is an improvement over more invasive procedures such as myomectomy or hysterectomy...
Swor Women’s Care is the region’s most experienced advanced gynecology surgery practice. Since 1985, we have successfully completed more than 10,000 advanced surgical procedures including robotic hysterectomy, microlaparoscopy, endometriosis and fibroid surgery, infertility procedures and pelvic prolapse repairs. Our success rates and patient satisfaction scores are exceptional and our complication...
Swor Women's Care offers advanced minimally-invasive laparoscopic radiofrequency treatment of fibroids at Sarasota Memorial Hospital since spring 2021. As an alternative to myomectomy or hysterectomy or drug treatment, this breakthrough treatment uses energy delivered, under anesthesia, through small laparoscopic incisions directly into fibroids to shrink and deactivate them. The expected...
Advice for patients before their visit: 1. Use the patient portal for efficient, private and secure contact with the office staff and provider. 2. Organize your medical history including all diagnoses, treatments, surgeries, medications and allergies or drug reactions. 3. List any problems or symtoms and how long you have...
This Italian clinical trial documented safe and effective treatment for improved vaginal and bladder health after breast cancer treatment using three CO2 fractionated office laser treatments monthly for three months. We have had similar success in our clinic for two years. Discuss this with your own doctor or call us...
Dense breast tissue on mammogram is a normal finding but is linked to increased risk for cancer detection problems and possibly developing breast cancer. Visit to learn more. Radiologists describe the concern level on a mammogram as a BIRADs score ranging from 0-5. The best score is BIRADs 1...
The Swor Women’s Care minimally-invasive surgery team of Dr Michael Swor, Dr KASH Shedd-Hartmann and surgical tech Melanie Keeley are first in the country and one of few in the world again. With the awesome staff at Cape Surgery Center, they completed the first microlaparoscopic Low Impact hysterectomy using the... vConfidence Certified Physicians Launch Effective, Non-invasive Laser Treatments to Resolve Incontinence, Dryness, and Recurring InfectionSpecialized CO2 lasers and comprehensive physician training provide revolutionary options to relieve major medical symptoms and common vaginal conditions CHARLOTTE, NC–(Marketwired – Nov 10, 2016) – vConfidence is proud to announce the launch of its...
With direction from colleagues at the Cleveland Clinic and with training and support from Alma Laser specialists, we provide the latest technology in treating a number of vaginal and bladder issues with fractionated CO2 vaginal laser therapy.FemiLift is a minimally invasive procedure that is used to improve vaginal laxity (tighten...
Dr. Swor and Dr. Kash have developed the Southeast US Regional Gyn Surgery Center for Ultra Low Impact Gyn Surgery. For years they have worked with the staff at Cape Surgery Center and Sarasota Memorial Hospital Women’s and Minimally Invasive Surgery Center to provide advanced gynecologic surgery to their patients....
Dr. Kash and Dr. Swor had another “first” today at Cape Surgery Center, Sarasota Memorial’s Ambulatory Surgery Facility. We were the first surgeons in the country to use SurgiQuest micro laparoscopy instruments for minimally invasive removal of a precancerous ovary and tube. The incisions are the size of a BB...
Congratulations to our all-star nurse at Swor Women’s Care, Veronica Deza, LPN on achieving certification as a lactation consultant. She has been supporting, advising and sharing insights to new mothers on the benefits and techniques of breast feeding for years. Now she has raised the bar with her new qualifications!
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists advised pregnant women to exercise more often because nearly half of US women gain too much weight while they’re pregnant. Obese expecting mothers “have higher rates of miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth and babies with birth defects.” Furthermore, obese pregnant women “can suffer heart...
Check out the Sarasota Herald Tribune article this past Sunday that featured our Dr. KASH! SUNDAY PROFILE: Birthing babies and confident mothers
Dr. Kelly-Ann Shedd-Hartman provides full OBGYN services for women of all ages, including complete pregnancy care. She is a highly trained and experienced OBGYN physician with expertise in all aspects of womens health, including low intervention and high risk obstetrical care. With in-office ultrasound, prenatal testing and the hospital facilities...
Patients seeking a permanent form of contraception have several options to consider. The decision should be carefully made, because these techniques were designed to be non-reversible. Each method has pros and cons and all the details should be discussed with the physician providing the care. The main options are vasectomy...
After years of unsuccessful attempts, the drug Flibanserin was approved for marketing in the US by the FDA today. This is the first specific drug treatment for any female sexual disorder approved by the FDA. Made by Sprout Pharmaceuticals who acquired the rights from the German developer, Flibanserin has shown...
One of our primary specialties is Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery for endometriosis. We follow the 30 year teachings of Dr. David Redwine and others regarding the aggressive EXCISION of ANY visible endometriosis lesions in the pelvic or abdominal area and beyond. The...
As we have suspected for years, research now suggests that some women develop an allergic type reaction to even small levels of Candida or other yeast organisms present in the genital area. The chronic inflammatory condition can specifically affect the minor vestibular glands that surround the vaginal opening and cause...
Congratulations to Dr. KASH, who is now well into her second full year in Sarasota with Swor Women’s Care. She is a holistic-minded transplant from Boulder Colorado and loves caring for her pregnant people! Her babies are born in the new maternity care center at Sarasota Memorial with low intervention...
There are many alternatives available for women who want a minimally-invasive surgery for hysterectomy or myomectomy, even with a large mass, fibroid or uterus. Since 2013, we offer “enclosed tissue extraction” through small incisions in the abdomen or vagina for these types of procedures. The mass, fibroid(s), uterine body or...
Health Tip: Think ‘Healthy’ During the HolidaysWash your hands to avoid passing germs By Diana KohnleMonday, December 17, 2012 (HealthDay News) — The holiday season brings family get-togethers, lots of food and, unfortunately, germs. But there are things you can do to help protect your health during the holidays. The...
According to the American Cancer Association, an estimated 216,000 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in American women in 2004. Want to know how to reduce your risk? Try the following lifestyle changes, which may help prevent or decrease your breast-cancer risk: Get active. Regular physical activity (at...
Older women who lose weight and gain it back again may be increasing their risk for heart disease, Wake Forest University researchers report. Although cholesterol, blood pressure, triglycerides and blood sugar all improve with weight loss, with weight regain they all return to pre-diet levels and, in some cases, to...
Hysterectomy and Alternatives in 2010 Every year, over 400,000 American women have surgery to remove part or all of the uterus. We say that these are hysterectomy-related surgeries. Sometimes, a related procedure will be done at the same time, such as removing one or both ovaries, or some type of...
Great news for our women’s health community. In conjunction with Intuitive Surgical, Sarasota Memorial and Doctors hospital, just got approved to be the first gyn surgeon in SW Fla to offer single site minimally invasive robotic surgery. We will be a regional and national training center for other surgeons and...
Research around Human Papillomavirus (HPV), a now well-established cause of cervical cancer, is potentially at a turning point, which could lead to groundbreaking preventative possibilities, cutting down the rate of transmission. Not all people infected with HPV experience symptoms, which is why it’s passed on so easily, and usually not...
Trying to control your weight? Exercising in short spurts may prevent the scale from moving in the wrong direction. That’s the headline from brand new research, suggesting that the intensity of your workout may be more important than the length of time you spend at it. Researchers at the University...
Caps on bottles of the popular pain reliever Tylenol that are sold in the United States will soon come with warnings alerting consumers to the potential for liver failure and even death, the Associated Press reported Thursday. The warning will state that Tylenol’s active ingredient is acetaminophen, the nation’s leading...
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 11 (HealthDay News) — Regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight can prevent three of every five new cases of endometrial cancer in the United States, according to a new review of scientific evidence. Researchers estimate that 59 percent of endometrial cancer cases — about 29,500 every...
MONDAY, Sept. 23 (HealthDay News) — A new way of shopping for health insurance is coming to your state.Affordable Care Act Beginning Oct. 1, consumers can use a new health insurance exchange in their state to apply for health coverage. Depending on when you enroll, that coverage could kick in...
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 25 (HealthDay News) — This season’s flu vaccine is now available, and Americans should get their flu shot as soon as possible, an expert says. “Contrary to some beliefs, getting the flu shot in September is a good thing and will offer protection for the entirety of the...
Kicking Trans Fats to the CurbBy Janet Helm, MS, RD Say goodbye to trans fats – those artery-clogging fake fats that are a potent cause of heart disease. If the new Food and Drug Administration proposal passes, we may soon see artificial trans fats eliminated from our food supply –...
Back in 2009, new guidelines were released about the timing of screening mammograms for breast cancer. The recommendation, from The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, suggested women between 50 and 74 get mammograms once every two years… not annually. But now… new research suggests the more frequently a woman has...
TUESDAY, Nov. 12 (HealthDay News) — Older adults can boost their brain health by engaging in aerobic exercise, according to a new study. Researchers found that, in addition to improving physical fitness, activities such as running or biking can enhance memory and brain function by increasing blood flow in specific...
Q: What is a colposcopy/vulvoscopy? This is a special type of diagnostic examination used for women, and less frequently for men. The colposcope aids the naked eye by magnifying the cervix (opening to the uterus), vagina, vulva, and anus. Colposcopy is done in much the same way as a gynecologic...
Q: What is cryotherapy? Cervical cryotherapy is a gynecological treatment that freezes a section of the cervix. Cryosurgery of the cervix is most often done to destroy abnormal cervical cells that show changes that may lead to cancer (cervical dysplasia). Cyrotherapy is also used for the treatment of cervicitis or...
Most women have had a vaginal infection. Typically, the infection itself was not serious, but was such an irritation that it required treatment. Women normally have a vaginal discharge; it is odorless and does not cause any irritation. The amount and consistency of the discharge varies throughout the month, reflecting...
Medical breakthroughs provide many options for treatmentMillions of American women suffer needlessly from pelvic pain, bleeding problems and other gynecologic problems. Medical breakthroughs provide many options for treatment depending on the cause and extent of the problem and the individual situation of the patient.Unfortunately there is a continuous stream of...
Adenomyosis is a common gyn disorder related to endometriosis. When cells just like the lining inside the uterus grow in other areas outside the uterus, the condition is known as endometriosis. When the same type of cells grow inside the smooth muscle wall of the uterus, the term is adenomyosis....
LASH-LAPAROSCOPIC SUPRACERVICAL HYSTERECTOMY Lash is a specialized advanced Gyn surgery procedure. It is the removal of part of the uterus through small incisions using a Laparoscope. The uterus is a reproductive organ ion the female pelvic area. It holds the fetus during pregnancy. When a woman is not pregnant, the...
Endometriosis Surgery- the Laser Vapor- excision™ alternative to Hysterectomy Endometriosis (“endo” for short) is a common cause of pelvic pain, affecting millions of American women. It can occur at any stage during the reproductive age range (12-55+) and typically gets worse over time. Tissue growths can develop primarily in and...
What is LAVH?LAVH is a special form of hysterectomy – removal of the uterus. The uterus is a reproductive organ in the lower abdomen. It holds the fetus during pregnancy. When a woman is not pregnant, the uterus sheds it’s lining each month during her menstrual period. The uterus can...
LEETZ PROCEDURE-POST OPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS 1. You may have scant to mild vaginal bleeding or discharge for even up to 3 weeks. Use regular Kotex pads, not tampons, during this time. There may be an odor associated with this discharge. 2. For cramps use your pain medicine as directed. You may...
Strong healthy bones are important to an active healthy life. Everyone needs calcium to build and maintain strong bones. Calcium is also important in many other key body functions and in maintaining weight. If you cannot get enough calcium in your diet, then you should take a supplement. People who...
INSTRUCTIONS FOR CRYOSURGERY You should not be pregnant, on your period, or have active cervical infection at the time of cryosurgery. You may experience some cramping and/or uncomfortable sensations during the procedure. You must not douche, use tampons, or have vaginal intercourse for 7-10 days MINIMUM following cryosurgery. After 7-10...
Marcus Laux, N.D. It’s a well-known fact that a healthy diet should include lots of fruits and vegetables. However, most Americans do not consume the recommended amounts of these foods. A national campaign called “5 a Day for Better Health” was initiated by the National Cancer Institute, the National Institutes...
Nutritional supplements – Most active adults with typical day to day stress, occasional missed meals, etc., can benefit from nutritional supplements. Many options exist for multiple vitamin/mineral supplements. In addition to attempting a well-balanced healthy diet, We typically recommend the following as important components to a nutritional program: • B-Complex...
What is It? When Does It Help? Do you have any of these concerns? * Consistently low sexual desire?* Problems getting and maintaining erections?* Difficulty controlling ejaculations and timing?* Difficulty reaching orgasm?* Difficulty relaxing and enjoying sex?* Loss of sexual intimacy in your relationship?* Anxiety or pain during intercourse?* Embarrassment,...
PAINFUL INTERCOURSE (DYSPAREUNIA) Many women have had the experience of discomfort or pain with sexual intercourse. This can be felt as external or deep or both. The causes and solutions depend on the exact details.EXTERNAL (OR SUPERFICIAL) DYSPAREUNIA This type of discomfort usually feels like a burning sensation or a...
Impotence is the lack of an erection when one is desired. It can be relative (sometimes a problem) or absolute (never). Relative impotence also includes situations where the erection is not a firm as desired, or doesn’t last long enough.Absolute impotence Organic (medical) causes of impotence: DiabetesOther endocrine problemsNerve dysfunction,...
This includes women who: Never have orgasmsWant to have more frequent orgasmsDesire orgasms in different waysWant more intense orgasms Usually this problem requires consultation with a gynecologist. There are, however, some suggestions that are generally helpful. If you never have orgasms: Focus on what feels good. Give your partner feedback.Explore...
The following are suggestions that may women have found helpful in preventing vulvar irritation. 1. When washing the vaginal area, use a moisturizing non-deodorant soap. Soap leaves a film, so be sure to rinse well. 2. Do not use any feminine sprays, wash, suppositories or douches. 3. Do not use...
The Perimenopause – Reverse Puberty The Perimenopause is that transitional time that can began as early as 10-15 years before actual menopause and continues until after the menopause is well established. For many women, this will typically be early to mid 40’s until age 60 or older. At it’s best;...
1. Count cycle days starting on the first day of your period as Day 1 2. Continue to count until a new period starts, then start a new Day 1 3. If Clomid or Serophene is prescribed, then begin starting dose onday 5 to 9 4. Use a urine dipstick...
Premenstrual syndrome can be defined as the cyclic physical, behavioral, and emotional changes that typically begin the two weeks before you menstrual period and end dramatically within two days after your period begins. If your symptoms occur at any other time during the menstrual cycle, they cannot be ascribed to...
MENAvoid tobacco, marijuana and other drugs. Try vitamin C supplements 500 mg/day. Avoid anything that increases the temperature in the groin, for example tight or synthetic clothing, excessive hot baths/saunas. Possibly a trial of antibiotic therapy to improve sperm quality. Remember that 24-48 hours is required to completely “restock” sperm...
1. Do you experience severe pain or cramping before or during your period? 2. Do you have increasing pain around ovulation time? 3. Do you have pain with deep penetration during sex? 4. Is your cervix sensitive when you have a pelvic exam? 5. Are your cramps getting worse instead...
Patient Instructions for Semen Analysis Swor Women’s Care performs semen analysis on Monday and Wednesday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Friday from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Please make sure to obtain and drop off your specimen on one of the specified days. 1. Make sure you have obtained a sterile collection...
New ideas for a common problem in women’s healthSmooth muscle tumors occur in 30% of women by the age of 30. By pelvic exam, they are detected as an enlarged or irregular uterus. They can be one or many, tiny or larger than a watermelon. I removed 63 from one...
You can begin with an over the counter pain reliever such as acetaminophin, ibuprofen or Alleve. Call the office for further evaluation if symptoms progress or persist despite “simple” measures.Worsening cramps can mean Gyn problems, such as infection, growths or endometriosis. Using a heating pad or taking a hot bath...
Dr. John Leeexerpt from his book “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause” :“Otherwise known as myoma of the uterus, uterine fibroid tumors ( myomas ) are the most common growth of the female genital tract. They are round, firm, benign (i.e. noncancerous) lumps of the muscular wall...
The best time to examine your breasts is at the end of your period, when your breasts usually aren’t tender or swollen. Every woman over age 20 should conduct a self-exam every month to check for lumps, thickening, dimpling of the skin, or any unusual discharge from the nipple. If...
Benign tumors, called fibromyomas, myomas, or more commonly, “fibroids,” are extremely common and may be found in one fifth of women over 30 years of age. The symptoms vary with the size and location of the masses. Some huge growths cause no discomfort or abnormal bleeding. Others produce alteration in...
The US Preventative Services Task Force released new recommendations that are very controversial at the least. Based on existing studies and scientific method, they have suggested that too much mammogram screening, clinical breast exam and self breast exam may cause unnecessary anxiety and invasive testing to actually detect a “significamy...
ANTERIOR-POSTERIOR COLPORRHAPHY AND OR BLADDER SLING Day of procedure immediately after:**You will be transferred from recovery to a room on one of the short stay surgical units.**Your nurse will take your vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, respiration and temperature) frequently and check the amount of vaginal bleeding and urine output.**You...
Pelvic prolapse is the loss of support to the pelvic organs that surround the vagina and results in the excessive bulging (or dropping) of the bladder, urethra, rectum, vaginal walls or uterus into the vagina. Women with a form of this problem may complain of ‘something falling out of the...
KEGEL EXERCISES 1. Since the purpose of the exercise is to counteract any muscle weakness noted, the exercises consists of contracting the muscles of the vagina. This is best accomplished by “drawing in” or “drawing up” the muscles in the region of the vagina and the rectum. The muscles of...
Pelvic Floor Therapy/Electronic Impulse & Biofeedback You have been referred for electronic pelvic floor therapy at Swor Women’s Care. This new treatment program was modeled after urogynecology protocols at the Mayo Clinic. We use computer planning and electronic impulse stimulation to strengthen and train the pelvic floor muscles. The treatments...
Position Statement on Mesh Midurethral Slings forStress Urinary Incontinence The polypropylene mesh midurethral sling is the recognizedworldwide standard of care for the surgical treatment ofstress urinary incontinence. The procedure is safe, effective, andhas improved the quality of life for millions of women. IntroductionThe purpose of this position statement by the...
THE USE OF PESSARIES GENERAL INFORMATION Pessaries are sometimes prescribed, fitted, and inserted in the vagina for various combinations of pelvic support problems. Much of fitting a pessary to an individual patient involves trial and error, rechecking, and following up in the office. There is also an element of maintenance...
Sexual activity is normal and natural, but like many other aspects of life comes with some risks. Contact with human beings, sexual or otherwise, can result in disease transmission. Anyone who has sex with a person who has a sexually transmitted infection can catch it. Yet, even your sex partner...
What is “intuitive eating”? I’ve heard that it is a new way to eat that can help you lose weight without dieting. True? “Intuitive eating” isn’t exactly new. In fact, it was the title of a 1995 book written by a team of dieticians. Essentially, intuitive eating involves paying attention...
The basics of a successful weight reduction and management program are that you either use or wear what you eat. If you exercise more or burn more calories than you take in, you will lose weight. Understanding a healthy diet and good nutrition is just as important as practicing a...
GENERAL NUTRITIONAL GUIDELINES * Total fat intake should be 30% of calories or less. * Carbohydrate 4 Cal./gm.; Protein 4 Cal./gm.; Fat 9 Cal./gm. * Bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group:6 servings dailyServing size: 1 slice of bread, 1/2 bagel or muffin, 5 saltine crackers,1 small dinner roll1 ounce of...
Eating lots of foods that are high in fat and cholesterol is not good for you. The reason is that a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet can raise the level of cholesterol in your blood. This can speed the development of atherosclerosis, which is the buildup of fatty deposits on the inner...
Guidelines for aerobic exercise1. It is recommended that exercise routines involving repeated foot impacts be limited to 30 minutes in duration at intensities not exceeding 75% of maximal heart rate. There should be a day of rest between such sessions.2. A resilient floor should be selected for exercise that involves...
Need:Knowledge of middle yearsRemedy:Preparation and support by knowledgeable health providers Need:Health MaintenanceRemedy:Monthly breast self-examinationAppropriate nutrition and exerciseYearly Papanicolaou smears and breast examinations by a health care providerRegular stool guaiac testsEliminate smoking and use alcohol moderately Need:Hot flashesRemedy:Wear layered clothingTake vitamin E:*Action: prevents excessive follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone production*Dietary...
Busting Fitness MythsBy S. Kirk Walsh for “Flat abs now!” “Miracle abdominal crunches!” Daily, we are bombarded with get-fit-quick messages on television, in magazines, and even via friends. With this inundation of information, how do you sift through the fiction for the fact? Below, we’ve enumerated some of the...
If the plan involves going off or stopping hormones, then typically this should be a gradual process over a period of time. My most common recommendation is as follows: 1. reduce estrogen daily dosage to next lower level every 2-4 weeks until the lowest dosage is reached 2. if symptoms...
Hormone Facts May 2007Fact: As women and men age, shifts in hormonal balance is inevitable. Hormonal imbalances can foster many unpleasant – and sometimes dangerous- side effects. Fact: Much of the current thinking and medical practice relating to hormone balance is inaccurate, inappropriate or misguided, and often based on self-serving...
MISCELLANEOUS RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MENOPAUSE For Hot Flashes/Night Sweats: Evening primrose oilBlack Cohash (10-60 drops)Dong Quai (2 capsules)Vitex (Chastberry, Chaste Tree) 2-3 capsules dailyNatural Progesterone Cream (applied topically to skin nightly) ***Our office does offer a prescription strength bio-identical progesterone cream. Please feel free to inquire if you are experiencing any...
Where can natural progesterone cream be applied?Natural progesterone cream can be applied to the face, hands, chest, breasts, abdomen, inner arms, and inner thighs. The progesterone in the cream absorbs quickly and leaves no residue. During absorption, the cream bypasses the liver and goes to specific receptor sites in the...
HOT FLASHES: Wear cotton and non-synthetic fabrics, which do not trap heat and moisture. Dress in loose layers so one can be peeled off when needed. Sleep with two cotton sheets on the bed so the top one can be removed if it gets damp. Eat small, frequent, nutritious meals...
The Perimenopause is that transitional time that can began as early as 10-15 years before actual menopause and continues until the post-menopause is well established. For many women, this will typically be around age early to mid 40’s until age 60 or older. At it’s best; one can have little...
The Perimenopause is that transitional time from around 35 or 40 until age 60 or older. Fluctuations and changes in hormone production are the main cause of difficulties during this time. The ovaries are the main source of female hormones, but as they become less productive, other areas of the...
One of the problems of current specialized medical care for women involves the separation of bladder and gynecologic conditions. Women with frequent urination, urgency and recurrent bladder infections are often referred to Urologists. When pelvic pain is the main complaint, it is usually the Gynecologist that does the evaluation. Two...
A mammogram is a simple, safe low-dose radiation x-ray of the breast which is very helpful in early detection of breast tumors. The American Cancer Society recommends that women between the ages of 35 and 40 should have an initial baseline mammogram and women over 40 should have a mammogram...
Prolapse of the uterus is any descent of the uterus below its normal position in the pelvis. Most patients refer to this as “falling of the womb”.A first degree uterine prolapse descends to the point where the cervix is at the vaginal opening. Casual inspection of the external genitalia will...
One of the problems of current specialized medical care for women involves the separation of bladder and gynecologic conditions. Women with frequent urination, urgency and recurrent bladder infections are often referred to Urologists. When pelvic pain is the main complaint, it is usually the Gynecologist that does the evaluation. Two...
Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance: Symptoms of hormone imbalance are most often associated with menopause but the medical reality is that they can occur – for both men and women – at any age. • Mood swings• Hot flashes• Night sweats• Fatigue• Headaches• Depression• Anxiety• Nervousness • Irritability•...
Urinary incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine to the degree that it causes a problem. It affects millions of many millions of Americans, and occurs predominately in women. The risk increases with age, but causes significant problems in many young and active patients. A number of factors have been...
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is an inflammation in the urinary tract. If left untreated, UTIs can cause permanent damage. A UTI is the result of bacteria that multiplies and spreads from the rectum to the urethra and to the bladder or kidneys. Your doctor will diagnose a UTI by reviewing...