Nutritional Supplements
Nutritional supplements – Most active adults with typical day to day stress, occasional missed meals, etc., can benefit from nutritional supplements. Many options exist for multiple vitamin/mineral supplements. In addition to attempting a well-balanced healthy diet, We typically recommend the following as important components to a nutritional program:
• B-Complex – high in B-12, B-6 and folate (400mcg) at least 100% of RDA (recommended daily allowance). Fresh fruits and vegetables are excellent sources.
• Vitamin E – 400 international units daily (may rarely increase blood pressure in certain people). Vitamin E helps the heart, blood, hormone balance and fibrocystic breasts. Recently some controversy has occurred, but cumulative evidence seems in favor of vitamin E.
• Vitamin C – 500 – 1000 mg. daily (may increase risk of kidney stones in a few people). Vitamin C is important in many body functions, including immune and healing. Dr. Linus Pauling won 2 Nobel prizes and lived to be close to 100, and was a major supporter of megadose vitamin C.
• Calcium – through diet preferably or high-quality supplements if necessary, at least 1000 mg before menopause. This increases to 1500 mg. for post menopausal women. Calcium is best absorbed as a chewable form or one that dissolves easily. It is best taken with food in the evening. Magnesium and other trace minerals in a good calcium supplement help balance mineral uptake. It is important to have vitamin D in sufficient quantity as well (available from sunshine and many dairy foods). We like Total brand cereal (one bowl=1000mg) and yogurt or skim milk as food sources.
• Dietary fiber -fiber intake through dietary means should be as high as possible. Most people can benefit from a fiber supplement such as Benefiber, Citrusel, Metamucil or Fibercon 1 – 2 times per day.
• Water is critical for the body function- drink 8 glasses a day!
• Aspirin 81mg (baby dose) – has been proven to benefit the cardiovascular system for most men and women.
• Omega 3 fish oils and CoQ-10 are also beneficial for the heart and vascular system.
A small amount of iron is helpful for menstruating women, but can sometimes be responsible for gastrointestinal side effects. It is better to seek food sources such as green leafy vegetables, raisins and lean red meats. Women who aren’t menstruating can generally avoid extra iron.
Our favorite supplement line is Clinician’s Choice from American Health Sciences in Vienna, Virginia. These are the highest quality supplements available and were formulated by a team of physicians. To maintain reasonable pricing, they are only available by mail order. The top choices for women areWomen’s Health Basics, OsteoGuard (the best calcium supplement) Women’s IsoGuardian. They also have a heart protective formula, an anti-oxidant formula and a Super Joint Guardian. For women dealing with menopausal issues, there is an excellent non-hormonal formula that can help alleviate hot flashes, mood disorders and sleep disturbances as well as low energy.
Order forms may be obtained in our office and then faxed or telephoned directly to the company (see separate information flyer). The products can also be ordered online through or through a link on our website at These supplements are preferred by a number of healthcare and nutritional professionals and exceed FDA over-the-counter quality standards.