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Kegel Exercise


1. Since the purpose of the exercise is to counteract any muscle weakness noted, the exercises consists of contracting the muscles of the vagina. This is best accomplished by “drawing in” or “drawing up” the muscles in the region of the vagina and the rectum. The muscles of the abdomen, thighs and hips should remain relaxed.

2. The “drawing in” exercise is very much like the effort to stop the flow of urine or the effort to stop a bowel movement.

3. Try to contract the muscles a little more strongly each day. Do not skip a day. Do not be overeager for results, however, by straining too hard or by continuing the exercise so long that it causes fatigue or aching of the muscles.

4. If continuous exercise causes fatigue, it is better to exercise one or two minutes and rest several minutes. (When intermittent exercises of this kind are necessary, some patients find that listening to the radio helps pass the time).

5. The effort to exercise weakened vaginal muscles may be difficult and tiresome the first day, or in some cases, the first five or six days. With moderate efforts and continued practice and exercise, a gradual increase in the strength of the muscles will be noted.

6. Pelvic floor contractions are entirely private and can be performed at any time and in any place or position such as:

• During pelvic-tilting exercises.
• At red traffic lights.
• During commercials on TV.
• Anytime you have to wait (especially standing).
• While brushing your teeth.
• After coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting, climbing stairs, straining
• Before arising in the morning.
• After retiring at night.
• Following bowel movements.
• Following last voiding before retiring at night.
• During each of three meals.
** Do 20-30 each time you go to the bathroom.
(Average 6 times a day)

7. There are products, devices, and outpatient programs to help patients even more than “at home” Kegel exercises.

8. Remember: Quality is more important than quantity. Slowly contract the muscles as you would in making a hard fist, not just closing your fingers but clenching to bring in every muscle fiber. About 5 in a series, holding each contraction for about 5 seconds–then rest a while. Always end with an uplifting contraction. Fifty a day, at least, during pregnancy and postpartum. Fifty a day, at least, for the rest of your life.

Swor Women's Care

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