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Get smart about dense breast tissue

Dense breast tissue on mammogram is a normal finding but is linked to increased risk for cancer detection problems and possibly developing breast cancer. Visit to learn more.

Radiologists describe the concern level on a mammogram as a BIRADs score ranging from 0-5. The best score is BIRADs 1 or 2 meaning cancer is not seen or suspected. Now there is also a reading or grade related to density of the tissues. What we describe as fibrocystic, radiologists describe as dense tissues. It means mor milk ducts and glands than fatty tissue. Women can improve their fibrocystic or dense breast changes by following a fibrocystic breast protocol. The basics are less caffeine and chocolate, and extra vitamin E. There are some natural supplements that may help.

If your mammogram indicates category C or D density, then ask your doctor about cancer risk and better prevention and early detection methods. We were selected one of 16 clinics in the US to participate in an FDA clinical trial for women age 35-75 with dense breast tissue. 

Swor Women's Care

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