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Fibroid Tumors

Benign tumors, called fibromyomas, myomas, or more commonly, “fibroids,” are extremely common and may be found in one fifth of women over 30 years of age. The symptoms vary with the size and location of the masses. Some huge growths cause no discomfort or abnormal bleeding. Others produce alteration in menstrual bleeding, and more frequently, pressure and pain in the pelvic area. Surgical removal is frequently recommended for abnormal bleeding, pain, or pressure when associated with fibroids.

Other complications may occur with uterine fibroids. For example, thay may become filled with calcium deposits, causing the fibroids to be visible by x-ray. They may outgrow their blood supply and degenerate, or twisting of their stalk may cause gangrene due to loss of blood supply. If they happen to occur near the fallopian tubes or the cervix, they may obstruct the uterus, causing infertility.

Fibroid tumors are always benign and need not be removed unless they cause specific difficulties. In general there are four reasons for removal.

Uncontrollable bleeding
Pressure on adjacent organs, such as bladder or bowel
Rapid change in size and consistency

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