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Cryotherapy Q&A

Q: What is cryotherapy?

Cervical cryotherapy is a gynecological treatment that freezes a section of the cervix. Cryosurgery of the cervix is most often done to destroy abnormal cervical cells that show changes that may lead to cancer (cervical dysplasia). Cyrotherapy is also used for the treatment of cervicitis or inflammation of the cervix.

Q: How is cryotherapy performed?

Cryotherapy is performed in your doctor’s office while you are awake. During cryotherapy special instruments called cryo probes are inserted into your vagina until they firmly cover the abnormal or inflamed areas of cervical tissue. Next, liquid nitrogen begins to flow through the cryo probes at a temperature of approximately -50 degrees Celsius. This causes the metal cryo probes to freeze and destroy superficial abnormal or inflamed cervical tissue.

Q: How will I feel during cryotherapy?

At the most you may feel some slight cramping, as well as, a hot or cold sensation.

Q: What happens after cryotherapy?

You can return to most normal activities the day after cryosurgery; however, there are a few things you should be aware of for the first two to three weeks following the procedure. It is normal to experience a watery discharge for the first three weeks after the procedure. This is due to the sloughing of dead cervical cells. Do not insert anything into the vagina for two to three weeks. This means no tampons, no douches, and no sexual intercourse.

Contact you health care provider if any of the following occur:

? A fever higher than 101°F
? Vaginal bleeding heavier than a normal menstrual cycle
? Severe pelvic pain (keep in mind slight cramping is normal)
? Foul smell or yellowish vaginal discharge

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